Renting a lawn edger is a great way to give your lawn a manicured look. Here are some ideas on giving your lawn a professional look and better yet, make your neighbor jealous:
As its name suggests, edgers are meant to create separation on the edge of your driveway, sidewalks and your lawn. Grass spilling over onto those hard surfaces makes even the best cut lawns look messy. Distinct separation that an edger will make will leave your lawn looking like you were born to landscape.
To start, strategically think about what edge of your driveway or sidewalk you want to start at to make the job as efficient as possible. To keep a straight line while pushing or pulling the edger, keep putting one foot in front of the other and following your pavement.
If you rent an edger and perform the task successfully, you should be satisfied with the great look your lawn will have.
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